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Taking your VIP
customer experience
to the next level

The PRE:MIND CRM will enhance your VIP customer experience program and create highly personalized offers, resulting in a significant increase in customer satisfaction, and a direct impact on the spending habits of your most valuable clients.

The Facts & Problems

The Value Proposition

What the System Does:

  • Stores rich information about VIP customers and their past buying behavior.
  • Allows for real-time identification when a VIP customer enters any of your venues.
  • Alerts nearby staff to the presence of the VIP, and their preferences.
  • Sends push notifications and offers to the VIP, based on their preferences, their specific location, and other key variables.


  • The VIP receives a much higher level of valuable service.
  • The VIP is more likely to make additional purchases during their current visit.
  • The VIP is more likely to make additional visits and purchases from you in the future.




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