
The future of retail shopping

Brick-and-mortar locations will continue to be an important channel for retail.

Despite the growth in online purchasing, recent studies suggest that millennials and Gen Z-consumers also enjoy the physical shopping experience. Enhancing that physical shopping experience is crucial.

Creative and interactive technologies continue to play an important role in developing unique in-store experiences and knowledgeable staff who embrace and promote the brand will help build connectivity and promote loyalty.

The real key to an outstanding experience is personalization. Getting to know customers from their previous purchases and interests can help retailers drive loyalty.

Exceed Customer expectations

While promotions and offers can certainly contribute towards helping customers feel like they are special, the real key to an outstanding experience is personalization.

Getting to know customers from their previous purchases and interests can help retailers drive loyalty. These insights can be gleaned from data, or even a simple conversation. The size of the business will no doubt inform which of these methods is more convenient, but a brief and personal customer conversation should never be ignored.

PRE:MIND dashboard, zoomed

The PRE:MIND solution

What is needed is a way of cultivating customer relationships as deeply as possible. Thankfully, PRE:MIND’s solution provides sales and customer service associates with a powerful cloud solution to build relationships with tourists and locals alike. What’s more, for the 20% of shopping customers that generate 80% of revenue, PRE:MIND helps the brands personnel to cultivate human connections no matter the location:

  • Customers are greeted by name at the door ready to be served!
  • Advance knowledge of purchase history, wish lists, and personal preferences to match products to demand and trigger sales
  • Permissions and sharing of customer profiles between stores
  • Re-assignment of VIP relationships during staff turnover/hiring
  • Use tiered membership structures for digital marketing campaigns
  • Record soft information on customers such as birthday, or favourite colour
  • Data analytics such as duration of visit, movement between touch-points (e.g., front and rear entry, 1st and 2nd floor), and visits that don’t translate into sales, or translates into e-commerce sales
  • By integrating PoS & e-commerce, you can customise O2O-offerings

Benefits of personalised experiences

The reality is that loyal customer retention rates fluctuate between 15-22% and loyal customers spend up to 167% more than a new customer. This means that losing a single loyal customer is a 600-900% loss on investment!

Here are actionable ways to make sure your customer service is more personalised and earns your customers’ trust and loyalty:

Show your human side

Regardless of the customer journey stage or the channel in which they choose to engage your brand, they should be treated humanely and pleasantly by your team. This requires your agents to display a personal touch whenever it’s possible

Know your customers’ history

When a customer contacts your business, their interlocutor should already be aware of who they are and have a good idea of why they’re contacting. Much like a patron in line at their favourite coffee shop who is asked, “the usual?”, your customers will appreciate not having to detail their information and past history every time.

Any information about your customers that is collected by your staff can be instantly shared throughout your venues, thus empowering the entirety of your brand.

Understand repeat behaviours and react in real-time

Business analytics can outline recurring patterns in your customers’ behaviour. Do they struggle to find all areas in your venues? Are they failing to fully explore your services? All these patterns can be evidenced through business analytics, enabling management to make decisions to better accompany customers.

This is a transition from reactive to proactive customer service; trying to bring customer pain points to light and provide solutions before they even arise. PRE:MIND can trigger real-time online actions in your marketing system through its so called “webhooks”, to allow your brand to facilitate both pre- and post-sales interactions.

PRE:MIND is your link between online and offline customer interactions, helping your brand to deliver a seamless customer journey/experience and staying memorable in the minds of your guests.


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